For the large demands of safe railroad cast components with high quality in railway industry, TCC is involved in the manufacturing of railway castings.
Not only the small railway components by precision investment casting, but also have the capability of making heavier railway parts with our sand casting process. TCC offers a complete casting service from start to finish, we have facilities to proceed the whole process : technical drawings, pattern making, shell core making, steel and iron castings, shot blasting, machining and heat treatment . We are constantly looking for expanding product lines
Our railway castings are mainly for rail rolling stock and railway infrastructure. Typical railway castings are:

- Clamping Springs
- Screws
- The train threshold
- Clamping plate
- Double Spring Washers
- Pump shell

Each railway casting components from TCC Casting must pass through the strict quality control system both during and after production.
Whatever the railroad castings you need, we are here for the solution.